Losing a loved one is never an easy experience. Fortunately, there are many ways to keep their memory alive. One of the best ways is by creating a custom headstone. A custom headstone is a unique way of personalising the memory of someone who has passed on. It allows you to choose the design, style, words and graphics that best reflect the life and personality of your loved one. Explore the reasons for creating a custom headstone, the steps involved in making one and some tips for creating a lasting tribute.
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Losing a loved one is perhaps the most difficult thing you will ever experience, but planning a celebration of life can help you and your family say goodbye in a meaningful and memorable way. A celebration of life is a more positive and uplifting way of remembering a loved one's life rather than focusing on their death. Below are some ideas to help you plan a celebration of life that truly honours your loved one.
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Cremation is a method of disposing of a deceased person's remains by burning them and preserving them as ashes. Different cultures have unique ways of disposing of the ashes. For example, you can keep the ashes in your home in an urn or turn them into jewellery. Hence, cremation helps you achieve various practical goals when you lose a loved one. Here are a few perks of cremation.
The budget for cremation is often lower than a ground burial or other methods of disposing of one's remains.
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You might have never considered making pre-paid funeral arrangements for yourself. In fact, you might not have even been aware of the fact that many people make this decision. You do have the chance to contact a funeral home and make your own funeral arrangements, however, and you can pay for them now. These are a few top signs that this could be a good idea for you, even if you don't really like the idea of thinking a lot about your funeral.
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If you're like many people, you might have decided to plan for your own funeral. If you've chosen cremation and your family isn't on board with that decision, now's the time to help them understand why you decided against a formal funeral. Getting family members to agree to cremation can be a difficult process, but it can be done. This is especially true if you take the right approach. If your family is having a hard time accepting the fact that you've chosen cremation, read the list provided below.
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