The Difficult Task of Choosing a Headstone on a Tight Budget

30 August 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When someone is buried after they pass away, a headstone is normally placed at the gravesite to mark out who's resting there and maybe to give a few details about their life. If you're responsible for organising a headstone, you're probably not short on ideas for what you'd like, perhaps with some input from other family members. Sometimes, however, what you want and what you're able to have are quite different due to budget constraints. Read More 

4 Things You Can Do to Prepare For a Loved Ones Funeral

2 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Preparing for a funeral can make the actual day itself much less stressful. If you prepare for the day, you can focus on what is essential - grieving for the loved one you have lost. Below is a guide to some of the things you should think about before a funeral which will help you to prepare. Establish where you will be sitting Not knowing where to sit can be very stressful. Read More